Heckuva’ frontier wranglin’ with simply good css
Design  Develop  Deploy

Keep designs out of
reach of greenhorns

nashville kickin’ & design lickin’

about me

I’m the founder and chief pixel pusher over at Brand Aid Design Co., a Nashville web design & branding firm. I'm also a super busy dad to my three young kids and husband to a super gracious wife.

I have a graphic design degree from the University of Tennessee and advanced-certification in being superfly from my kids.

Fresh outta’ school, I cut my teeth with a small ad agency in Nashville, TN, working on print and this new thing called “the internet” that some weird Al dude invented. After learnin’ a little more about the interwebs, by God's Grace, I decided to continue on my journey and start this little web firm called “Brand Aid”. Since then, we've been able to remain small while doing big work and getting a little recognition for it every now and then.

say howdy

Jeremy Mansfield
Jeremy Mansfield
Nashville, TN
p: (615) 815-0250
e: jeremy [at] jeremymansfield.com


My kids already gave me a superfly award, so what more could I want? Well, I’ve collected a few others along the way if you give a hoo, including a WEBBY for my work with Ernest Hemingway, a collection of Gold & Silver ADDY’s, AIGA awards, W3's, some other stuff I could barely afford (sheesh) & some online galleries to boot.